2008年11月26日 星期三

Australian Legislators Back Gay Rights(The New York Times)

According to the "Australian Legislators Back Gay Rights(The New York Times)", SYDNEY, Australia-Australia lawmakers have approved legislation giving homosexual couples the same rights as heterosexuals but have ruled out legalizing same-sex marriages.

My Reactions:
Far back in history, people can not accept the idea of same-sex marriages because they think that a marriage is a way to breed the next generations. However, this is what same-sex marriages can not make for people with the same gender can not bear children. Although there were some homosexuals and heterosexuals, they hide their affection in their mind without revealing it. Recently, the time has changed and more and more people have brave to speak out loud for their love. They do not mind the judgment on what others think about them because they just want to pursue their true love. Some singers and entertainers also support the homosexuality by composing songs or joining the parades held by them. The government authority notices the trend and some election candidates even stand for their activities in order to increase their reputation and voting. Nevertheless, not every country has open mind to the circumstances. Some conservative countries still regard homosexuals as freaks.

The Australian government does a big progress in the movement. It was thought to be a conservative type since it carried out “the racial segregation policy” strictly. Now, it gradually transforms its attitudes toward many aspects. However, I think the government can give more freedom to homosexuals, such as same-sex marriages. They should be given more rights and welfare because everyone was born equal. I sincerely hope that the law can be passed soon. (258 words)

2008年11月20日 星期四

Wal-Mart Gives Fresh Food to Help Combat Hunger(The New York Times)

According to"Wal-Mart Gives Fresh Food to Help Combat Hunger(The New York Times)", Responding to the economic downturn, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to give more than 90 million pounds of freshfood annually to the nation’s largest nonprofit organization addressing hunger, Feeding America.

My Reaction:
As the situations in the stock market are on the decline, they influence the economy all over the world. The commodity prices in somewhere many fluctuate because the share index of the American stock market rises and falls changeably. Currencies in many countries devaluate and the purchasing power of the public is decreasing. Besides, the prices of food provisions are increasing. Many foods like corns, soybeans, sugar canes etc are used to turn into the substitutes of oil so that their amounts are not enough to serve human beings. That’s why the commodity price is rising. However, there must be a crisis about food in the circumstances and it is possible for some low-paid families that they can not afford the living expenses.

In my opinion, it is nice of Wal-Mart that it makes an effect to help people. Not every big business can be so considerate and is willing to help the public or do something for charity. The way can not only assist people but also reduces the food of waste for they are not sold out in time. In the future, I think there will be more companies devote themselves to do the same plans and help their own countries.(233 words)

2008年11月6日 星期四

Broadway's Rough Road Ahead(The New York Times)

According to the "Broadway's Rough Road Ahead(The New York Times)", The second-act rendition of “Let’s Hang On,” in “Jersey Boys,” might be Broadway’s anthem at the moment. Nearly every show had its audience shrink last week with 14 productions experiencing more than a 10 percent drop in ticket sales. So musicals and plays are trying to hang on until the holidays bring an influx of cheer-seeking visitors to New York, looking to be entertained. After the new year they will try to hang on again, through January and February, traditionally two of the industry’s slowest months.

My Reaction:
Broadway is well-known to many people all over the world. It locates in New York City, which is the biggest city in the U.S. and the window to many races and cultures. If one thinks of a prominent place with musicals and plays , “Broadway” must come out first in one’s mind. It boosts the tourism in America because it draws many fans to stream from their countries in order to fulfill their dream-watching a play in Broadway. However, what is mentioned in the news report implies that the box office receipts are not as good as usual. I think the situation has a lot to do with the recession struck by the stock market through the world. People’s wallets shrink owing to the crisis so that they have less willing to join cultural and artistic activities.

Many musicals are familiar to us, such as “The Lion King”, “Cat” and “The Phantom of the Opera.” Actually, Broadway accompanies us across many generations and it touches us so much that the status will not change no matter what happen. I hope that Broadway can go through the low tide and become prosperous again. (279 words)