2008年10月30日 星期四

A Rise in Kidney Stones Is Seen in U.S. Children(The New York Times)

According to "A Rise in Kidney Stones Is Seen in U.S. Children(The New York Times)", To the great surprise of parents, kidney stones, once considered a disorder of middle age, are now showing up in children as young as 5 or 6. While there are no reliable data on the number of cases, pediatric urologists and nephrologists across the country say they are seeing a steep rise in young patients. Some hospitals have open pediatric kidney stone clinics.

My Reaction:
The ages of people with kidney stone were forty to fifty. Recently, the ages of victims have been on the decrease. It is absolutely on astonishing news that children of 5 or 6 have kidney stones. One of the reasons causing kidney stones is that the metabolism does not function as well as before. However, the situation seldom happens on growing children for they are too young to have such a symptom. I think the food we eat today has a lot to do with the problem. Many salty, greasy, and high protein food put a lot of burden on one’s kidney, such as French fries, fried chicken, can food and so on. In addition, people prefer beverage to water, which influences our blood density.

Nowadays, the disorder in life and food make great effects on our organs’ function. The population of dialysis is on the rise and we need to worry about the situation. To prevent from getting kidney stones, there are some followings: First, drink more water rather than beverage containing lots of sugar. Second, avoid too salty food and try some plain dishes. Third, do not stay up late and have a good quality sleep. Do the tips above all and keep healthy lifestyle are the best policies for us all. (276 words)

2008年10月23日 星期四

Awareness:Better Labels Urged for Caffeine in Drinks(The New York Times)

According to "Awareness:Better Labels Urged for Caffeine in Drinks(The New York Times)." With some energy drinks packing as much caffeine as 14 cans off cola, the beverage industry has come a long way from the days when coke billed itself as ”the pause that refreshes.” Now a new study suggests that manufacturers of the products should be required to list caffeine content and recommended limits, including a warning about use by children.

My Reaction:
As the society becomes more and more prosperous and progressive, the pressure workers suffer is getting higher and higher. Sometimes, their consciousness is not so clear that they need something to refresh themselves. Many of them choose coffee, tea or energy drinks as their best choice. Although the ingredient, caffeine, in the drinks is able to keep up your spirits, you need to be cautious about the quantity you take every day. Too much caffeine can make you be addicted to it and then you will be dependent on it. Thus, you are not conscious unless you drink beverage containing caffeine.

For me, I agree with the suggestion because it can do well to everyone’s health. For example, a little amount of caffeine makes a great effect on me. Whenever I drink tea of coffee, the quality of my sleep is not well at that night. I think a label listing caffeine content can be helpful for people to select carefully what they really want. All in all, the suggestion is a good way for us modern people to keep healthy.(261 words)

2008年10月17日 星期五

China keen to develop ecotourism despite challenges(Reuters)

According to "China keen to develop ecotourism despite challenges(Reuters)", Tourism in China today is often a messy and unpleasant business. Thousands pack tourist hotspots, development can be poorly planned and service standards are lacking. But one specialist sees a bright spot: ecotourism.

My Reaction:
As one of the most conspicuous developing country around the world, every policy of China is to be paid attention to by all walks of life. The construction may be beneficial to the development of the nation, but may be devastating to the nature. Although they thirst for business brought from tourism, some scenic spots’ standards do not meet with expectation of travelers, which prevents them from coming to visit China. In my opinion, the plan is really a solution to the problems. The arrangement of the resorts can narrow the difference between town and country and raise the qualities, the equipment and the popularity about the tourist spots. In addition, the long-term goal is to increase the income of both the country and the people.

Still, there are many issues anxious from China exposed to the public and we ought to concern about them for fear that the side effect spread to us-the innocent suffers. It is not too late for the government to make a brainstorm about improving the welfare for not only nationals but also sightseers. As the news mentions in the title, there is no denying that the project is a big challenge. If they get over the challenge, the national power of China is beyond description. (246 words)

2008年10月9日 星期四

1 in 4 mammals at risk of extinction, scientists say(CNN)

According to "1 in 4 mammals at risk of extinction, scientists say(CNN)"
Conservationists have taken the first detailed looked at the world’s mammals in more than a decade, and the news isn’t good. The researchers said that one in four species is threatened with extinction and that the population of one in two is declining.

My Reacion:
More and more animals are suffering the crisis of extinction because human beings terribly destroyed their living environments. For instance, the deforestation in the Amazon basin and the Congo area made many species of animals no place to settle down and the source of the food they rely on reduce a lot. As a result, just the same as the analysis done by the researchers, the multiplicity of species on earth is decreasing hastily. Some people may think it has nothing to do with them. Unfortunately, it does have a big influence on anyone of us. Since the shrink of the jungle areas, the function of “the lung of the earth” is not as strong as before. Therefore, much more carbon dioxide will affect the weather, which is called the greenhouse effect. Now, the average temperature on the increase not only affects our mood but also makes some impacts on the environments and the ecosystem. One of the impacts is that the melting ice caps, which strikes the living of polar bears.

As we know today, some animals will not survive and propagate their next generation on account of having no ability to adjust to the alterant environments. If the conditions still go on, people ourselves will eat their own bitter fruit some day. To solve the problems, civil persuasion and civic rights must league together to enforce the substantial issue. What is more significant is that we should think about what kind of a world do you want to pass down to your descendants.(298 words)

2008年10月3日 星期五

Some U.S. cereals more than half sugar:reprot(Reuters)

According to "Some U.S. cereals more than half sugar:report"(Reuters), some breakfast cereals marketed to U.S. children are more than half sugar by weight and many get only fair scores on nutritional value, Consumer Reports said on Wednesday.

My reaction:

Many people have cereals with fruits and milk for breakfast because they are healthier than greasy food. They are fortified with high fiber, rich mineral and vitamin so cereals are popular among those who want to have good shapes and balanced diets. In addition, many advertisements and experts' encouragements about the advantages of eating grains of all kinds boost the cereals. As a result, cereals become the essentials for westerners' daily lives. However, the news really astonishes the public for it stroke the deep-rooted concept in our mind. It is also unreasonable that some brands have more sugar and sodium when formulated for the U.S. market than the same brands have when sold in other countries. In my opinion, the brand companies should not cheat their customers and it is unfair for Americans to digest more sugar from the same products, especially for children under the development.

Nowadays, with the significance of healthy diets people pay heed to the calories and the carbohydrate they take every meal. They try hard to assimilate nutritious food enough even if they are on the job. Cereals are always on the list and considered a good choice. After the outbreak of the event, all the related companies have to do is to reformulate the recipe and the nutrient elements to re-establish people's confidence toward cereals. In this way, the trend of dietary fiber will be more circulated and the decline of some chronic diseases may be expected.(270 words)